I can see the Gang of Eight Bobbleheads rubbing their hands together just planning on the best way to get the tithing going. Maybe a special Saturday video cast meeting with no announced theme to build up some high expectations. (JDubs just love the word "special") Many Witlesses will, of course, want to believe that this is it...at last an end of the world update.
Then have Lett make some of his clown faces and talk about how Jehovah is speeding up the work and is giving the Gibbering Booty instructions on the need for more videos and the need for the latest high tech equipment. As a final push, we need to build more studios. Brothers, we need your help. If we don't don't do Jehovah's will, he will make the stones cry out. Jehovah for several years has been laying on our hearts the need for you dear brothers and even the "yung wans" to return to how God's chosen people in Bible times showed just how much they loved him by offering Him a tithe. Only giving HIm 10% of what was rightfully all HIs. We have been taking many steps to avoid this to not overburden the brothers like consolidating congregations and reducing our worldwide branches. The time has come for us to imitate the faithful men of old as the end of this old system is now in sight.